Friday, December 27, 2019

Violent Video games cause violence I Think Not. - 1056 Words

Violence is everywhere, in magazines in the shops, on the TV, on websites like YouTube as well as in video games. Yet, why is it that those video games are said to be the biggest media source responsible for the violent outbursts of different individuals? Is this really the case? Every eight out of ten homes in the United Kingdom own a current generation games console and video games have become a fantastic source of education when helping kids to learn, such websites like or the VTech Learning System that teach kids literacy, numeracy and the sciences through their games. However it seems an American politician called Joe Biden deemed that violent video games should be taxed just because some isolated cases that†¦show more content†¦These measures that are being used are complete guff at getting even minor acts of aggression. Also he goes on to describe the noise test having a â€Å"methodological flexibility problem† validating that researchers ca n pick and choose what results or outcomes that fit the hypothesis that they want to achieve. Thus, showing the evidence that was concluded is false. Secondly, you could not tax violent video game just because it is violent. American Politician, Joe Biden has told the CEO of Evengelistic Association, that there would be no legal reason to prevent the government from taxing violent video games. In other words, not reason to tax images or art that the government deems to offensive. Unfortunately for Mr Biden there is a legal reason that video games cannot be taxed. The right of free speech. This right is held up from games like Tetris all the way to extremes of Grand Theft Auto 5. It is held up by the Supreme Court and is fair and equal all the way through Thirdly, most crimes that are said to be connected to video games all contain images depicting violent scenes are sold mostly in places like in the Netherlands and South Korea. But in these countries where violent video games are all the rage they have the fewest numbers of gun related murders. Isn’t it high time that the Government stopped blaming videoShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of Violence in the Media on Children Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesTelevision, movies, and video games are a big part of childrens lives in todays technologically advanced society. However, there is a big controversy questioning the effects of these media outlets on children. Much of society claims to have proof for the belief that media violence affects children negatively. However, I am skeptical of the evidence that is stated to prove that claim. 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