Wednesday, November 27, 2019

American Qualities essays

American Qualities essays American is freedom. We have many freedoms that many other countries are not as fortunate to have. As the melting pot of many races and religions, we are responsible for keeping the opportunities available that were promised by our forefathers when they founded this country: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. America was built on multiple cultural backgrounds fleeing persecution, poverty and lives without simple freedoms. An American quality that is seen in various works of literature stemming from our freedoms is individuality. Individuality allows us to express our inner most feelings. In the poem, The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost, is an insightful and idealistic attempt to illustrate the paradox of free will. In the first line, Frost uses the metaphor, Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, to establish not only the hard decision a traveler must make in the poem, but in life itself. Life is like those woods because no one can clearly see or predict what will happen in the future, only hope to choose a path that will lead, one to good fortune and happiness. The freedom of choice allows us to be individuals. Many have a desire to be adventurous, yet we fear possibilities of failing if we are different from others. In Frosts poem, the road he decides to take is wanted wear. This road is not a well traveled path, and no one has taken it before. This shows that the speaker may not want to be like everyone else, a follower, but instead, chose a different path and be himself, a leader. The ce ntral idea of this poem is individuality. Frost shows that being his own person is the more difficult path. Frost shows that we should all express our feelings and be our own person, even if no one else will follow. We can see, therefore, that American qualities do imitate the essential thoughts of the American mind. Most American pe ...

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